Welcome Fall 2011!

Yesterday marked the beginning of Fall 2011, the first day back for many college students.

And, I'm not a college student anymore. How strange does this feel? Very, indeed, very.

My adult life has always been centered around the university. I started college as a wide eyed and bushy tailed 17 year old, and I've never left the university enviornment. It sure is cozy here... I think I'll stick around! :-D

But this fall, I'm done. No more classes to take, no more degree plans to follow, no more academic goals in mind. And it feels awfully strange.

I had seriously thought about taking a graduate English course this fall, but then with my new teaching assignment, I figured I kind of needed to focuse. Plus, I've still got my PhD apps to work on, though, that future is looking a bit cloudy at the moment. Its so hard to figure out life!

LOL. I'm really happy where I'm at right now. I'm writing, I'm publishing, I'm teaching (and so far I LOVE it), I have a great day job, a beautiful house, and life is... well... pretty darn close to perfect. And I want to get it all messy applying to PhD programs, moving to God knows where, making peanuts for money and and and...

But isn't that how life get's beautiful? Anyway, I've got some big questions to answer about myself, my future goals, and who I am. I think the next few months will require some soul searching, and some cliched poetic deepness. I mean, I know PhD is in the future for me, and I'm going to keep working towards it. But now that I'm teaching, it just doesn't seem to have the same priority it had before. I don't know. I'll figure it out. But for the time being, it's time to go and work on a poem.
