Some Garden News

So I know I said I was going to blog about chapbooks...

And I'll return to that tomorrow! Today, I've got some news to share instead.

I got my proof copy yesterday! Goodness, it feels good to hold my book. Editor called me yesterday to tell me it was in, ready for me to take a little looksie at. Of course, I went over and picked it up right away. Then, asked Bruno to take my picture! Ok ok, he thought me a bit strange, but I was excited.

What is a proof copy? Basically it's the final draft of a book that the printer provides so you can examine for errors and such before the book goes into full blown print. It looked good to me!

So in a few weeks, all you folks who preordered will be holding the book, too! If you haven't preordered yet, well, there's still a bit of time. Send me an email!

I've also been a busy bee planning the stops on my book tour. It's kind of a tricky business, but luckily I have poet friends around Texas that have been more than generous, offering to host me at their venues. I've got my Houston area stop all sorted out -- here's the flyer! If you're in the area, please, stop by! Ok, so the small print is hard to read. Here are the deets:

July 24, 2012 7:30PM at Webster Barnes and Noble 1029 W. Bay Area BLVD. at 1-45


Afterwards, Bruno and I are planning on going to Galveston for a few days. And after that? Oklahoma for a family reunion. So I'll be "on the road" for a good while, not to mention San Antonio and Brownsville as other stops on my little tour. Lots of time on the road means lots of time to read in the car. I'm looking forward to it!

Ok, tomorrow, promise, back to musing on chapbooks.

In the meantime, happy 4th of July!
