Oh Summer! Where art thou?!

I'm a poet in transition; transition isn't easy.

I enjoyed the peace of mind that summer provides, the seemingly endless days, the inherent laziness that comes along with it. I wrote, I had the mental "space" to focus on my writing throughout all of June, and produced a good amount of (nearly polished) poetry -- about twelve new poems.

What Plagues the Goddess, my chapbook project, is in a very happy place. I'm pleased enough with her to call her complete, and to begin working on a new project (or really, expanding on this old project into a larger book-length manuscript). And of course, the fact that it cleared at least the quarter-finalist round of the Casey Shay Press annual competition makes me a bit more confident in my efforts.

Speaking of chapbooks, I also, of course, mused on the form. And the fruits of my labor? Why, this just came out: Katie Reviews Black Birds : Blue Horse for Fifth Wednesday Journal! 

This summer was also a time for self-promotion, going out of my comfort zone, putting myself out there as a poet. I went to numerous readings, both locally and far away. It was all good fun.

And of course, The Garden Uprooted was published.

But all good things must come to an end.

As you may have noticed, I haven't been very prolific lately with my blog. The same's true with my writing. My mind is occupied, completely, with my new job. So much theory to learn, books to read, people to meet, things to prepare for... it's all so scary and exciting at the same time. When I'm stressed, I get sick. And... ::sneeze:: oh dear...
