That's Professor Hoerth to You, Punk!


I'm excited. I just got the news that I'll be teaching an English 1301 course at South Texas College this fall.

I'm really fortunate to have this opportunity, and not to mention... did I mention? I'm excited about it! If you've read this blog, you'll know that this was probably my biggest and loftiest goal for the year -- to teach a college level class.

This will be my first experience teaching post-secondary education, I mean, I've been a teacher before, but with college students? And at night? That means that probably, the majority of my students will be older than me... (I'm still in the under 25 club, ahem).

Ah I'm up for the challenge!

So now, I shall be busy with syllabus, going over my text book, and come Monday, meeting my oh so lucky students.

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

My main worry is keeping my motivation up for other things. Typically, when I teach, I kind of get absorbed into it. I live/breath/eat teaching. So my challenge for the upcoming fall will be to continue my PhD apps, keep at my poetry, study for the GRE, advise advise advise, publish, and... work at being a damn good professor. Oh, and don't forget keeping my eager blog readers informed!

Can I juggle it all?

I've so got this.


  1. Congrats, Katie. And, welcome to the world of college teaching. It is easy for teaching to consume the rest of your life, but keeping your goals in mind should help you juggle it all. Good luck!


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