Poetry, Pasta, and Vino Nove

It's coming! :) Just around the corner. Here's some info, finally -- it's ready to post.

Pasta, Poetry & Vino Nove


@ 7:30PM

“We’re back!”

Carino’s Italian will donate 15% of the proceeds from this event to:



MC: Katherine Hoerth

Katie is the author of three books of poetry: Among the Mariposas (Mouthfeel Press, 2010), a chapbook which received the Nuestra Voz Prize in 2010, The Garden of Dresses (Mouthfeel Press, 2012) a forthcoming chapbook, and her first full poetry collection, The Garden Uprooted, which will be released this year by Slough Press. Her work has also been published in several journals, including Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, Front Porch, and Conte: A Journal of Narrative Writing. She serves as Assistant Poetry Editor at Fifth Wednesday Journal, and teaches writing at South Texas College.

Featured Readers:

Rossy Lima

Julie Corpus

Edward Vidaurre

Arturo SaldaƱa

Rachel Vela

Linda Romero

Meliton Hinojosa

Brenda Nettles Riojas

Richard Sanchez

Shawn Elliott

Christopher Carmona

Olga Herr

Araceli Rodriguez

Corey Mangan

Vanessa Brown

Rodney Gomez

Kaitlin LaMoine Martin

Jose Ponce

Erika Garza Johnson

Featured Artist:

Susan Hoerth is a Wisconsin native who lives in McAllen. A nomad by nature, she collects bits and pieces from her travels around the world and assembles them into a fine art collection of curios. Susan has a keen eye for vintage items, and uses them to retell stories of the past, breathing new life into history. Her pieces reflect the discarded and forgotten ordinary moments in everyday life. Most recently, Susan has ventured into exploring discarded books as her medium of choice. Browse her collections online at http://www.etsy.com/people/Raidersofthelostart

My MOM is going to be the featured artist :-D And my DAD is going to play his guitar and and and and and and it's going to be an awesome event -- not to be missed. Hope to see YOU there!
