If at first you don't suceed...

Today I received an email from AWP informing me that my panel, Border Bodies: Womanhood in Verse, has been accepted for inclusion in the 2012 conference.

For me, this is a moment to savor. A year ago today, I was down and out about my AWP rejection. But I've always remained positive that my year was coming. Here I am today, making plans to head off to Chicago to present among some of the most talented poets and writers of our time.

I'm trying not to be so giddy about the whole thing, trying to compose myself with the professionalism I'm supposed to have... but it's soooo damn hard :-D :-D :-D

Ok here goes!! ::HAPPY DANCE::

I just can't believe how far I've come in a year... how everything is just coming together, and how all the hard work is paying off.

So here's a note to my future self: If at first you don't suceed, keep on trying. Eventually (and sometimes sooner than later) you'll get what you're working for.

Oh happy happy day :-)

Will I see you there?


  1. Perseverance is a writer's most important mantra. Without it, none of us would get published, or present at conferences, so yes, keep on trying everyone.

    Since I am on the panel with you, I will be there. :D I'm looking forward to all of us reading together.

  2. Oh Happy Joy, Katie...all thanks to you for believing it could be done.


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