The Goddess Goes Suspiciously Silent

Howdy folks:

I know, I know...

no blog posts in awhile. I've been adjusting to my new schedule, trying to find a way to fit everything important into my life again. You see, this whole teaching a million students thing is going wonderful, but it's kind of consuming me (and my brain).

It happens, right?

My very first year teaching I think I wrote like, one poem. My SEMESTER as a prof (albeit adjunct) my writing slowed to a virtual halt as well. And now? as a full time lecturer with overload courses? yeah, you can guess the time I'm having.

I'm enjoying myself, but I'm having a hard time making "brain space" for anything not teaching related. Does that make sense? I have time, yes, time at home where I'm in my bathrobe by noon, but it's time to do other things: plan projects, dig deep into readings, give my students meaningful feedback, catch up on my class' blogs, etc...

And poetry? It's... well, getting dusty.

I don't know, I'll figure it all out eventually, I'm sure. I need to keep writing, publishing, reading because it makes me the person I am. I know that my activities as a poet make me a better professor (ok, they probably seriously helped me get this job in the first place). I'll find the balance. I'm searching for it. It's... just a little illusive at this very moment.

On a brighter note, I do have a few events coming up.

I'm organizing a reading and celebration for the Texas Association of Creative Writing Teachers annual conference here in Edinburg. It's been fun planning; we'll have an open mic and feature the Slough Press authors. If you're in the area, please stop by and say hello (info on the sidebar).

Another bright spot -- UTPA's PR dept wrote up a little piece about the conference, in which I get a nod. Yay nods!

Anyway, please stay tuned. Tomorrow (promise) I have an exciting blogpost planned. I interviewed a very special guest, and am looking forward to posting our conversation.

Until then...

it's a happy Friday.
