
"the person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously" - 2 Corinthians 9:6

I suppose the Bible is the best place to turn to for advice in all things. I don't think this quote could be more true for the simple act of writing. Just something for me to digest and think about. I set aside time everyday to kneel down and pray (although... truthfully, praying while the conditioner soaks into my hair doesn't exactly make me a portrait of Godliness...) and lately I've been taking the time to journal about what I'm eating and how I'm exercising... so the next logical step in improving my being would be to put my butt to the chair and write what flows out :-) yeah... it's glamorous. It's time to make ME a priority, my spiritual, physical, and now finally my artistic self. Balance? I think someday I'll achieve it.

Well I haven't heard back from the Monitor or 13th moon, but patience is a virtue. It is way too soon to tell.

I'm closing my ears to negativity today. Katie, this day (and all that come after it) is for you.


  1. Lovely blog.
    We invite you to C&LH website: excellent poetry by PASCALE PETIT.
    Daniel Dragomirescu, writer an editor


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