Farewell, 2011!
It's been a pretty fantastic year for Katie the Poet! And before I get all excited about what next year will bring, I think it is equally important to kind of meditate on what this year meant, what I've accomplished, and what I could have done better as both a writer and as a person. I remember at the beginning of this year, I was less than enthusiastic. I was feeling terribly nervous about my MFA thesis, and I was just worried about the general uncertainty of my future. Anyway, let's flashback to January 2010 where I reflected on this: What creative projects to work on this year? Absolutely 100% focus must be directed towards finishing my thesis. All other noise must perish... Once my thesis is completed, I plan to continue editing it and prepping it for submission to publishers. I'm really hoping to be able to do this by May. That would be nice :-) Another goal - do more readings! I need to get more involved in the poetry community. Lately I've ...